AWeb-II 2.0 to 2.1 Upgrade

Users who downloaded the AWeb-II 2.1 upgrade on November 5th (file size 960350 bytes) may be having a problem installing it when selecting Installer's "Expert" mode. You can successfully install the upgrade by either downloading this updated Installer script (21k), or by selecting Installer's default "Intermediate" mode.

If you downloaded the archive on the 5th, installed it at the "Expert" user level, and had a problem do the following:

We apologize for any inconvenience.
The AWeb-II 2.1 upgrade archive is just under one megabyte in size. Please ensure that your download directory has at least that much space available. Four megabytes of free disk space is recommended to store, decompress and install the archive. The install process will also require both of your original AWeb-II 2.0 disks.

To install the AWeb-II upgrade:

The 2.1 upgrade cannot be used for updating the registered shareware verion of AWeb. Yvon Rozijn will be contacting registered shareware users with information on upgrading to the equivalent 1.6 version.

If you are having difficulty following the instructions or downloading the file, send email to describing the problem and include your name, serial number, and email address.

If you haven't registered your copy of AWeb-II, please do so before proceeding.

If you have registered, we ask that you complete the following form so we can update our customer database, this information will be kept confidential. Thank you.

Serial Number

Your Name

E-mail address (optional)

Download the AWeb-II update

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